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Class ID: 435

Start Date: upon registration

Schedule : ; ; Class Skip Dates :Complete within 90 day(s)

Tuition: $225.00

Location: Online

Instructor : Instructor EXS 


Class ID: 437

Start Date: upon registration

Schedule : ; ; Class Skip Dates :Complete within 90 day(s)

Tuition: $225.00

Location: Online

Instructor : Instructor EXS 


Class ID: 498

Start date: 05/28/25

End date: 05/29/25

Weekly - Wed, Thu 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (5/28/2025-5/29/2025)

Schedule : Weekly - Wed, Thu 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM; 2 sessions; starting 5/28/2025, ending 5/29/2025

Tuition: $850.00

Location: Redfield Campus, Building A Location : 
  Redfield Campus, Building A.

Instructor : Morgan Massie 

Please read: There is an early discounted registration ...More