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SQL Mini-Credential (Online)

ID : 425   
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As employers look to capitalize on the massive amounts of data they have access to, professionals who can handle data are in high demand. A highly valued skill in this area is SQL, one of the go-to tools for querying, storing and managing data within relational databases. Developing SQL proficiency opens you up to several career opportunities, as knowledge of databases is critical for data and programming-related jobs.

Become an SQL subject matter expert in about 160 hands-on hours.
  • Our AI-based teaching platform is at your side throughout our training, helping you with your assignments in real time and providing you with a feeling of accomplishment;
  • Receive personalized academic advisement and instructional support throughout your training;
  • Learn anywhere, anytime; all you need is a computer with an internet connection;
  • Culminate your training with a hands-on capstone project.
You also learn soft skills that include problem solving, attention to detail, critical and logical thinking, perseverance, professional communication, time management, and adaptability that will serve you well throughout your career.

For more information, click here: SQL program.

Program Prerequisites
The only prerequisite for acceptance into this program is successful completion of a two-hour Career Readiness Assessment

Call 775-784-4046 or email Send to Friend » Request More Info »

Class Details

0 Session(s)

NA - Online

Instructor EXS 

Start Date:upon registration



Registration Closes On
Friday, October 31, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
N/A - Online Instructor EXS  Online