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The Art and Power of Coaching: How Leaders Engage and Inspire Others (in-person)

ID : 393   
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 The Art and Power of Coaching: How Leaders Engage and Inspire Others

A leader gets things done by their ability to engage, inspire and move others into action. Today’s leaders are tasked with leading a diverse workforce comprised of multiple generations, and varied skill and education levels, as well as a range of personality styles. A coaching management style can make all the difference in a leader’s effectiveness. In this course, you will learn what coaching is; who is “coachable”; when coaching is appropriate; basic and advanced coaching skills; how to do individual and group coaching; and how coaching powerfully engages and inspires others.

Key Learning Objectives
  • Understanding the purposes and benefits of coaching
  • Knowledge and analysis of critical coaching characteristics
  • Practice specific coaching skills and techniques
  • Application of management coaching skills to work setting
This course has been approved for 6 HR General recertification credit hours for the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and 6 PDCs for the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). For more information about certification and recertification, please visit the HRCI homepage at or the SHRM homepage at

Class Details

2 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed, Thu

Redfield Campus, Building A




Please read:  This is an in-person class for two half-days. Call 775-784-4046 or email to receive the 10% multi-registration discount when enrolling two or more employees from the same company.



Registration Closes On
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/9/2025 - 4/10/2025 Weekly - Wed, Thu 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM Reno, Redfield Campus, Building A  Map Kit  In Person